“I am really happy that science and knowledge about it has resulted in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. But let me say that the Paris Agreement on Climate Change is not enough to ensure that we limit temperature increase by the end of this century to 2°C because the commitments which have been made by governments as part of the Paris Agreement are really far below what is required to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. So, what do we need? In order to ensure that governments have the motivation, the ambition and the pressure to make commitments that would really ensure that the impacts of climate change in the future and the risks associated with them are minimized, and to a large extent eliminated beyond a certain period, we need actions at the grassroots level. And to bring about that action at the grassroots, what better section of society than the youth of the world? There are 1.8 billion youth between the ages of 10 and 24, and their future is at stake.”
Rationale for the POP Movement provided by POP Chief Mentor, Dr. Pachauri
Dr. Pachauri believed that dealing with climate change requires people-based actions, driven by knowledge about the problem and its solutions, and this belief served as the foundation for the POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement that he founded on April 22, 2016. The not-for-profit organization attempts to mobilize and mentor young people around the world, inspire them with knowledge to implement actions in their schools, colleges, communities and homes. The POP Movement functions with the belief that youth leading climate actions at the ground level is the ideal way in building and propagating a sustained environment movement that is inclusive of all the stakeholders in society. Striving for this kind of movement with primary focus on youth taking the lead inspired by knowledge, the POP Movement aims at initiating and stimulating youth-led community efforts against the impacts of climate change and preventing environmental degradation through implementing innovative solutions and adopting sustainable lifestyles. Related Links: Does the world economy have to reinvent itself to be sustainable Remarks by Dr. R.K. Pachauri at Expo PYMES CDMX 2016, Mexico City Dr. R.K. Pachauri at Museo Papalote, Mexico City Dr. R.K. Pachauri’s Speech at Biovision, Lyon, France Dr. R.K. Pachauri’s Message to the Youth of China Gallery: