Journal Articles
Media Articles
Dedicated Articles
Featured Articles
- “Addressing Sustainable Development Goals and Tackling Climate Change: Scientific Realities and Options”, Volume 2 Issue 2 of ERUDITIO, electronic journal of the World Academy of Art and Science, July-August, 2016
- “Positive Momentum”, NEXT – A Safe and Sustainable Future, Publication of DNV-GL, 2014, pp 62-63
- ‘On energy, it can no more be business as usual’, National Security Key Challenges Ahead – The Tribune Occasional Paper, Volume 1, December 2014, pp. 27-30
- ‘COP 20 and the Science of Climate Change’, COP20 Climate Change-The New Economy, December 2014, pp. 20-23
- Views on the effects of climate change and how disaster may be averted, “A meeting of minds”, PostMagazine, October 5, 2014, pp. 25
- “Feeding the World”, 60 Solutions against Climate Change, Publication of GoodPlanet Foundation, September 2014, pp. 56-57
- Epilogue for ‘Addressing Climate Change’- An illustrated biography of the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP18/CMP8, Doha, The State of Qata
- ‘Sustainability: The World’s Biggest Challenge-I”, The Theosophist, July 2014, pp. 12-16
- Climate Change and Energy Choices – Principal Keynote (Live video from Delhi), OIST’s The First International Symposium on Open Energy Systems, January 15, 2014, pp.108-114
- Foreword for ‘Understanding Society and Natural Resources – Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences’, edited by Michael J. Manfredo, Jerry J. Vaske, Andreas Rechkemmer, Esther A. Duke. A publication of the International Association for Society and Natural Resources. Springer
- ‘The Impact of Global Warming and the Imperative of Mitigation’. Democracy, Sustainable Development, and Peace – New Perspectives on South Asia. Edited by Akmal Hussain and Muchkund Dubey, May 2014. pp. 598-601. Oxford University Press: New Delhi
- Foreword for ‘Climate Change and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance’, edited by Narendra Tuteja and Sarvajeet S. Gill (Volume 1 & 2). Published by WILEY Blackwell, December 2013
- Contribution to the Second Annual Report 2012 of the Global Cities Covenant on Climate (The Mexico City Pact), pp.22-23. Published by Fundación Pensar, 2013
- ‘Advancing our Understanding’, Our Planet (A UNEP magazine) December 2013, pp. 14-15
- ‘Why the IPCC scientific assessment should be a major driver in climate negotiations’, COP19 Climate Change-The New Economy, pp. 18-21
- ‘Le changement climatique’. Contribution to La Revue de l’Inde (Publication of Les Belles Lettres), Numero 007, pp. 58-60
- WMO: Sixty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council. Delivered the Report of the Chair of the IPCC – 21 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
- Preface in The Climate and Development Challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean: Options for climate-resilient, low-carbon development. Inter-American Development Bank, pp.11-12, 2013, Washington DC, USA
- ‘You cannot compete in a globalised economy unless you are scientifically ahead’. In conversation with Dr R K Pachauri – Interview. Search (Network 18) Vol 16, No.5: 44-46, May 2013
- ‘The last word’. Interview. Knowledge (incorporating BBC Science World) Vol 3, No.2: 106, February 2013
- Initiating Early Review of Commitments and Actions using Available Scientific Assessments Carried out by the IPCC “Global Voices”, COP 18, Climate Change, The New Economy, The United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP18 & CMP8, Doha, Qatar, 26 November – 7 December 2012
- R.K. Pachauri. The way forward in climate change mitigation. WIREs Energy Environ 2012, 1: 3–8 doi: 10.1002/wene.36
- Change Is In The Air (The Road to Rio+20). Forbes India, June 22, 2012, pp. 95-97
- Impact. The Energy Dialogue: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation Annual Report 2011, pp. 7-8, 2012
- Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters. UN Chronicle - The Future We Want? Vol XLIX No.1&2: 12-14, 2012
- The Imperatives of Sustainable Development: Can India Lead? The Golden Thread: Essays in Honour of C.D. Deshmukh, IIC Winter 2011, Spring 2012 Quarterly, Vol. 38, No.3&4: 316-329. India International Centre, New Delhi
- Cooperating on Climate Change: The Technological Outlook. In India-China Ties 60 Years 60 Thoughts. April 2010. pp. 43. Published by the Embassy of India, Beijing, China
- Pachauri R K. 2010. Energy in The Oxford Companion to Economics in India Volume I A-H, Edited by Kaushik Basu and AnnemieMaertens. pp. 173-177. Oxford University Press: New Delhi
- Climate Science and International Negotiations under subsection “Global Voices”, COP 17, Climate Change, The New Economy, The United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP17 & CMP7, Durban, South Africa, 28 November – 9 December 2011
- Striking the balance: Climate change, equity and sustainable development. In Development Co-operation Report 2011: 50th Anniversary Edition. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. pp.97-104
- Scientific Cooperation and Global Challenges - Keynote speech. In Expo 2010 Shanghai China Forum Proceedings: Theme Forum - Towards a Low-Carbon City: Environmental Protection and Urban Responsibilities
- Transition to a Post Hydrocarbon Energy Future, Second SubirRaha Memorial Lecture, Petrofed, September 2, 2011, New Delhi
- Editorial in Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety. Volume 18, Number 1, May 2011 published by Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
- Report of the World Climate Conference-3: Better climate information for a better future. Speech delivered at the Opening Session of High-level Segment of World Climate Conference, held from 31 August – 4 September 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
- Climate Change and its Implications for India’s Fragile Ecosystems. Policy Notes for Parliamentarians: July-August 2010. The Human Impact of Climate Change in India: Advancing political leadership. Published by CLRA and Oxfam India. Pp. 1-4
- India’s Global Position on Climate Change. eJournal USA, Vol. 14, No.9: 22-23
- Foreword in ‘Carbon Finance II: Investing in Forests for Climate Protection’. Edited by Jaime Carlson, Bryan Garcia, Claire Jahns, Eric Roberts, and Katie Schindall. Yale F&ES Publication Series, Report Number 22, 2009
- ‘Despite Attacks from Critics, Climate Science will Prevail’. Opinion. Yale Environment 360. 20 April 2010
- ‘I am not there to change the world. I can only change its level of knowledge’. Interview. Fiat Justitia, Vol 23, No. 3, April 2010
- Pachauri R.K. 2010. Editorial: Once the economy has recovered, growth will turn towards green activities. Alternatives, France: Issue 22, pp.3
- Pachauri R K. 2010. Statement from Implementing Partners. REEEP Project Profiles 2009/10. pp. 7. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership
- Pachauri R K. 2009. India pushes for common responsibility. Nature Vol 46, 22 October 2009
- Pachauri R K. 2009. The Disappearing deal: American obstacles in Copenhagen. Newsweek 26 October 2009
- Pachauri R K. 2009. New Challenges for IPCC (Exclusive Analysis). International Innovation. pp.6. Published by Research Media Ltd
- Pachauri R.K. 2009. Management Education for this Knowledge Century. Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow. GRAVITA: pp. 2-5
- Pachauri R.K. 2009. Climate Change, Sea-Level Rise, and Planning for Global Change. Asia’s; Next Challenge: Securing the Region’s Water Future. Asia Society Leadership Group on Water Security: pp. 31-36
- Pachauri R. K. 2008. Science and Technology for Sustainable Well Being. Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, pp. 389-390. Springer, US
- Pachauri R.K. 2008. Climate Change as an Emerging Global Issue. Globalizations: volume 5, issue 1
- Pachauri R K. 2008. We need a new Gandhi. Green Futures 2008: UK: pp. 5
- Pachauri R K. 2008: Burning earth – Interview. L’espresso – Weekly, Italy: 3 January 2008. pp. 55-59
- Pachauri R K. 2007. Energy in The Oxford Companion to Economics in India. Edited by Kaushik Basu. pp. 136-139. Oxford University Press: New Delhi
- Joachin von Braun and Pachauri R K. 2006. Essay: The Promises and Challenges of Biofuels for the Poor in Developing Countries. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) pp. 1-12
- Peter Hazell and R K Pachauri. 2006. Bioenergy and Agriculture: Promises and Challenges. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI, 2020 Vision pp. 1-2
- Pachauri R.K. 2006. India’s Economic Development: The Challenge of Energy Security and Environmental Protection. Political Exterior (Vol.XX) July/August2006: 67-76
- Pachauri R K. 2006. Climate Change: measuring the Threat. G8 Summit 2006: 46-47
- Pachauri R K. 2006. Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change. In Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change pp.3-5. Edited by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Wolfgang Cramer, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Tom Wigley, and Gary Yohe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 392 pp
- Pachauri R K, Batra R K, and Noronha L. Oil & Gas: Focus on new sources. In The Hindu Survey of Indian Industry 2006 pp.131-136
- Pachauri R K. 2005. Oil in India’s Energy Future. Seminar 555November 2005:52-56
- Pachauri R K. 2005. Carbon Trading and Energy in Transition. Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) Quarterly2(2): 1, 6
- ‘Climate change: assessing the science, defining the options’ G8 Summit 2005: Mapping the Challenges published by Newsdesk Communications Ltd., London
- Pachauri R K. 2004. Opening Ceremony Address in Proceedings of the World Climate Change Conference, 29 September to 3 October, 2003 held in Moscow
- Lucht W and Pachauri R K. 2004. The Mental Component of the Earth System. In Earth System Analysis for Sustainability, edited by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Paul J Crutzen, William C Clar, Martin Claussen, and Hermann Held. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp: 340-365. (Proceedings of the 91st Dahlem Workshop on Earth System Analysis for Sustainability, Berlin, 25-30 May 2003)
- Pachauri R K. 2004. Climate Change and its Implications for Development: The Role of IPCC Assessments. IDS Bulletin35 (3): 11-14
- Pachauri R K, Singhal Shaleen and Kandra Harpreet 2004. Environment. India 2025: Social, Economic and Political Stability pp370-403. Edited by R K Sinha. New Delhi: Centre for Policy Research. 528 pp
- Pachauri R.K. 2004. Energy Policy for High Economic Growth in India. ADB India Economic Bulletin II(1): 17-26
- Pachauri R.K. 2004. The future of India’s economic growth: the natural resources and energy dimension. Futures36(2004): 703-713
- Pachauri R.K. 2004. Climate and humanity: view point. Global Environmental Change Vol. 14 (2004) : 101-103
- Pachauri R K. 2003. Fuelling the dream: India can take a different trajectory in the energy sector. The Week (Anniversary Special). pp.44-47
- Pachauri R K . 2003. Global Climate Change: Indian Perspective Revisited and Restated. India and Global Climate Change: Perspectives on Economics and Policy from a Developing Country. pp.341-346, edited by Michael A Toman, UjjayantChakravorty, Shreekant Gupta. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 366 pp
- Pachauri R K. 2003. Is There a Nexus With Global Climate Change? UN Chronicle 39(4): 58 & 60
- Pachauri R K. 2002. Climate change: global warming. In Johannesburg Summit 2002: Challenges and Partnerships, pp 158-161, edited by Maurice Fraser. London: Agenda Publishing. 196 pp
- Pachauri R K. 2002. Poverty: A Threat to Environmental Security in India. In Towards Food Secure India. Proceedings of the 88th Session of the Indian Science Congress, January 3-7, 2001, IARI, pp. 145–150, edited by R S Paroda, A Varma, and N Gupta. New Delhi: National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 224 pp
- Pachauri R K and Mehrotra P. December 2001. Ein mühsamer Hürdenlauf (Energy Policies in India),der überblick37(4): 36-40
- Pachauri R K and Mehrotra P. August 2001. Alternative Energy Sources. Focus 7: Policy Brief 8. (IFPRI: Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Food Security)
- Pachauri R K and Mehrotra P. February 2001. Initiatives for an Asian energy market: perspectives from India. In SPEC 2001 (Symposium on Pacific Energy Cooperation): Energy Security in Asia, 20-21 February 2001, Japan. 331-356 pp
- Pachauri R K, Qureshy L F and Nesamani K S. 2001. Seeking refuge from environment: paradox of environmental refugees. pp 364-375. In Srinivasan K and Vlassoff (Eds) Population-Development Nexus in India: Challenges for the New Millennium. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. pp 454
- Pachauri R K. 2000. Industry on the up. World CoalVol. 9(2): 8–12
- 1999 Living with coal: India’s energy policy in the 21st century. Journal of International Affairs. Volume 53, No.1. (1999), 101–115, pp 380
- Industrial development in the 21st century: a rural dimension. First V K Laroia Memorial Lecture. Industrial Development Services. January 8, 2000
- Pachauri R K and Sharma S. 1999. India’s achievements in energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions. pp.59–74. In José Goldemberg and Walter Reid (Eds). Promoting development while limiting greenhouse gas emissions: trends and baselines. New York: United Nations Development Programme. pp150
- Energy-Environment Issues in the Developing Countries: Prioritizing Research and Innovation. Asian Transport Journal. Midyear Number, June 1999: 12.1–12.15
- The Clean Development Mechanism: Some Developing Country Perspectives. IAEE Newsletter, Second Quarter 1998
- Economics of Energy Use in Agriculture. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 53(3): 213-222, 1998
- Comments: Greenhouse Policy Architectures and Institutions. Economics and Policy Issues in Climate Change, William D Nordhaus (Editor). Resources For the Future, Washington, DC. Pp. 159–164, 1998
- Pachauri R K. 1998. Defining and Operationalizing the CDM. pp.101–108. In José Goldemberg (ed.). Climate Change: Towards Buenos Aires and Beyond, UNDP, New York. 182 pp
- Pachauri R K. 1998. Preservation of environment: an input to development. YojanaVol 42(8): 35-39
- Promoting energy efficiency in developing countries. In World Development Aid & Joint Venture Finance, pp.268-270, edited by A J Fairclough, London: Kensington Publications Ltd. & World Business Council for Sustainable Development. 392 pp
- Renewable sources of energy: prospects and policies, Yojana, Vol.42, No.1, January 1998
- Critical environmental issues in India: the scope for Indo-German cooperation (Wichtige Umweltfragen in Indien: Spielraum für deutsch-indische Zusammenarbeit). In Indien in der Gegenwart, Band II, Nummer 1–2, 1997, pp.83-92, edited by Sveta Davé Chakravarty, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi, pp196
- Deforestation and desertification in developing countries. (In) Environment, Energy and Economy: Strategies for Sustainability. (Eds) Yoichi Kaya and Keiichi Yokobori. The United Nations University, Japan, pp. 71–90, 1997
- Abstract of country report on current environmental issues in India: Directions for strategic research. Presented at the 1st International Workshop for Strategic Research on Global Environment, 5–6 November, 1997, Yokohama, Japan
- Technology development and capacity building for mitigation of climate change in developing countries. (In) Climate change: mobilizing global effort, Organisation for economic co-operation and development, 1997, pp 89–91
- Australia-India partnership for sustainable development and environmental protection. (In) India-Australia Public Policy Conference 1996, Indian Ocean Centre, Western Australia, pp52–56
- Environment and Natural Resources use in India: Past Developments and Future Prospects. Indian Association of Social Science Institutions (IASSI), Vol.16(1): 178–183, 1997
- Development and Environment. August 1997, Yojana, Independence Day '97 Special
- Energy and Sustainability: Developing Countries. Symposium Report. Global Accords for Sustainable Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
- Partnerships in Strategic Studies for the Global Environment, Keynote speech delivered at the International Symposium "Five Years after the Earth Summit - Role of Strategic Studies on Global Environment", 2 June 1997, Organized by The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Environment Agency, Government of Japan
- Asia and the Middle East: The Outlook for Regional Integration. International Conference on Middle East Oil & Gas: Towards the Third Millennium, May 8–10, 1997, Isfahan
- Current situation of air pollution and anti pollution measures. (In) Symposium on pacific energy cooperation '97 (SPEC '97), Changing Oil and Energy Market in Asia Pacific Region and its Future, February 18–19, 1997, Tokyo, Japan
- International policy development - developing country perspectives on climate change. (In) ABARE 1997, Outlook 97, Proceedings of the National Agricultural and Resources Outlook Conference, Canberra, 4–6 February, 1997. Volume 1, Commodity Markets and Resource Management
- Commentary: The IPCC Energy Assessment, Special Issue: Energy and greenhouse gas mitigation: the IPCC Report and beyond. Energy Policy24 10/11: 10131015. 1997
- Towards higher energy efficiency in industry - Challenges for the Asia-Pacific region. (In) Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, September–October 1996. Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), New Delhi
- Energy Needs in the 21st Century. (In) Science & Technology for Achieving Food Economic & Health, Rao, U R (ed.), Special volume of the 83rd Session of the Indian Science Congress, Punjab University, Prism Books Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, January 1996, pp 505–531
- Energy Issues in India. (In) Revue de L'Energie, R K Pachauri and Maithili Iyer, Editions Techniques et Economiques, Paris, 1995, pp.485–490
- Role of Science and Technology in Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. (In) Science Technology and Industrial Development in India, S C Pakrashi and G P Phondke (eds.), Publications & Information Directorate and Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1995, pp.147–157.
- Energy Issues for Sustainable Development in Asia. (In) Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Special issue on Energy for Sustainable Development: Post-Rio Challenges and Dutch Responses, Vol.12 Nos.1-2, October 1994, pp.31–35
- The Social Costs of Climate Change: Greenhouse Damage and the Benefits of Control. Submitted as part of Working Group III, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Second Scientific Assessment Report on Climate Change, alongwith Pearce D W, Cline W R, Achanta A N, Fankhauser S, Tol R S J, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 1994
- Energy and Economic Development. (In) Energy Needs in the Year 2000: Ethical and Environmental Perspectives, William Shea (ed.), Watson Publishing International, USA, 1994, pp.191–202 (Amazon link)
- Meeting the Demand for Energy in Major Developing Countries in Asia with Lower Emissions: What Support may be Provided by the New Regime? (In) Climate Change and the Agenda for Research, Ted Hanisch (ed.), CICERO, University of Oslo, Norway, Westview Press, Colorado, U.S.A., 1994, pp.81–90
- An Indian Perspective on Climate Change. (In) Journal of UNEP Industry and Environment, Vol.17 No.1, January–March 1994, pp.23
- The Economics of Climate Change: A Developing Country Perspective. (In) Economics of Climate Change, proceedings of an OECD/IEA conference OECD/IEA Conference on the Economics of Climate Change, Paris, France, June 14–16, 1993, pp. 171–79 (amazon link)
- Can Hydro-reservoirs in tropical moist forest be made environmentally sustainable? Environmental Conservation, 20(2), 1993, 122-130, along with Goodland. R and Juras A. Paper has won the "Best Paper Prize" from the Foundation for Environmental Conservation, Switzerland, for the year 1993
- Energy and Development. (In) Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Vol.4. No.1, February 1993, pp.10–15
- Review of Costs to Developing Economies. (In) Proceedings of the international workshop on Costs, Impacts and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, 28–30 September 1992, at IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, co-authored by Khanna, N.
- Hanisch T, Pachauri R K, Schmitt D and Vellinga P. The Climate Convention: Criteria and guidelines for joint implementation. Policy Note 1992:2, 13 pp
- Theme paper on "Energy". (In) Proceedings of the International Conference on An Agenda of Science for Environment and Development into the 21st Century, (eds) J.C.I. Dooge, et al, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992, 103–118, co-authored by Holdren, J.P (No e-book available)
- "Wait and See" versus "No Regrets" Comparing the Costs of Economic Strategies. (In) Confronting Climate Change: Risk, Implications and Responses, edited by Irving M. Mintzer, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992, 237–251, co-authored with Damodaran, M
- Global Warming: Impacts and Implications for South Asia. The Regions and Global Warming: Impacts and Response Strategies, Jurgen Schmandt and Judith Clarkson (eds), Oxford University Press, New York, 1992, pp.79 (Amazon link)
- Symposium Global Climate Change: A Petroleum Industry Perspective, (eds) Brian P. Flannery, Robin Clarke, International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA), London, 217–225, 1992
- Population and Energy. (In) Science, Population and Development, An exploration of Interconnectivities and Action Possibilities in India, edited by Vasant Gowariker, Unmesh Communications, 1992, 218–243
- UNCED: The Summit and Beyond. Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy (PAJE), Special Issue on UNCED, 1992, 29–36.
- A Reappraisal of WRI's estimates of greenhouse gas emissions, Natural Resources Forum, 16(1), February 1992, 33–38, alongwith Gupta S. and Meeta. M
- Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries : Policy Options and the Poverty Dilemma, Natural Resources Forum, 14 (4) November 1990, 319–325 (Needs Permission)
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation in India, UNEP Industry and Environment, 13 (2) April–June 1990, 19–24
- Contribution to greenhouse gases through large scale use of fossil fuels and bio-fuels, Energy Environment Monitor 6 (1) March 1990, 11–16, co-authored by Suri. V
- "Energy and Growth: Beyond the Myths and Myopia", Presidential Address at the 10th Annual International Conference of the IAEE, 4–7th July, 1988, The Energy Journal, 1989, and Proceedings of VNIISI "Strategies of Minerals and Energy Supply and Use Systems", 1990
- Energy Conservation in Infoterra Exchange of Environmental Experience Series - Book Two, 1989, UNEP, Nairobi, co-authored by Sambasivan, G
- Integrated Energy Planning in India : A Modelling Approach, The Energy Journal, Vol. 89, No. 4, 1988, co-authored by Srivastava, L
- Fossil Fuel Use, Society and the Environment. In Perspectives in Environmental Management, edited by T.N.Khoshoo, Oxford and IBH Publishers, 1987, pp. 353–360
- Standard Setting. In Economics of Environment, Malcolm S Adisheshiah (ed.), India International Centre, 1987
- The Present Situation of and Future Prospects for Energy Development in the Developing Countries, VIth New Energy Industrial Symposium, Tokyo, 21–23 October, 1986
- Energy Economy Interactions in the Countries of South Asia : Regional Issues and Challenges, World Energy Conference, Cannes, France, 5–11 October, 1986
- The Changing Structure of the Oil Industry in India, Energy (Pergamon), April/May (Nos. 4/5), 1986, co-authored by Srivastava, L
- Coal Transportation System Modelling - The Case of Taiwan: A Comment, The Energy Journal, Vol. 6 (3), July 1985, co-authored by Srivastava, L
- Third World Energy Policies: The Urban-Rural Divide, Energy Policy, Vol. 11 (3), September 1983
- Coal: A Development Challenge, Natural Resources Forum, Vol 7, No. 4, 1983. co-authored by Labys, W.C. and Blitzer, C.L
- Changing Markets for Coal. In International Energy Markets, L P Tempest, Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain (eds.), Cambridge, Mass., 1983, co-authored by Labys, W.C
- Financing the Energy Needs of the Developing Countries, In Annual Review of Energy, Vol 7, Jack M Hollander, Harvey Brooks, Melvin K Simmons (eds.), 1982
- Electric power and economic development: the case of India, Energy Policy, September 1982
- Energy Demand and Supply Projections for India, Discussion Paper, Center for Energy Policy Research, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1982
- Financing Energy Developments in the Third World, in International Energy Options: An Agenda for the 1980's, Paul Tempest, Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain (eds.), Cambridge, Mass., 1981
- Energy Problems and Prospects in the Third World, Bulletin of the Organization for Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, June 1980
- Energy Demand Forecasting and Supply Problems, in Commerce, Annual Number, India, 1978
- The Economics of Occupational Health and Safety, the Journal of Safety Research, Volume 10 (2), Summer 1978
- The Management of Corporate Cash Balances: An Analytical Approach, ASCI Journal of Management, September 1976
- A Dynamic Regional Analysis of Factors Affecting the Electrical Energy Sector in the US, in Energy, Regional Science and Public Policy. P van Rompuy and M Chatterji, Springer-Verlag (eds.), New York, 1976
- A Dynamic Model for Forecasting Electrical Energy Demand in a Specific Region Located in North and South Carolina, (In) Proceedings of Sixth Annual Simulation and Modelling Conference, Pittsburgh, 1975
- Indian Culture and Western Dynamism, The Pioneer, January 13, 2017
- Materialism, the Wrong Way to Human Bliss, The Pioneer, December 30, 2016
- Failing Will-power in Tackling Global Issues, The Pioneer, December 16, 2016
- Lessons from Castro’s style of Leadership, The Pioneer, December 2, 2016
- Asia’s Century, and now Donald Trump’s Arrival, The Pioneer, November 18, 2016
- Diwali will be ‘Happy’ if Environment is Clean, The Pioneer, November 4, 2016
- Paris Deal Remains an Unfinished Business, The Pioneer, October 21, 2016
- Deviating from the Gandhian Principles, The Pioneer, October 7, 2016
- Indian Farmers facing a Frankenstein Moment, The Pioneer, September 23, 2016
- Raising Questions about the Relevance of G20, The Pioneer, September 09, 2016
- Lessons from China's Energy Transition, The Pioneer, August 26, 2016
- Life and Living in the Anthropocene, The Pioneer, August 12, 2016
- The Other Determinant of Economic Growth, The Pioneer, July 29, 2016
- Redefining India's relations with Africa, The Pioneer, July 15, 2016
- Controlling India's junk food addiction, The Pioneer, July 1, 2016
- Europe's experiment in peace and co-existence, The Pioneer, June 17, 2016
- Chabahar will provide strategic edge to India, The Pioneer, June 3, 2016
- Linking eco-viability with economic gains, The Pioneer, May 20, 2016
- Eliminating the threat of nuclear weapons, The Pioneer, May 6, 2016
- Action, not symbolism, will save planet earth, The Pioneer, April 22, 2016
- Bridging the gap in an inequitable world, The Pioneer, April 8, 2016
- Budget shows the way, capacity-creation next, The Pioneer, March 11, 2016
- Budget shows the way, capacity-creation next, The Pioneer, March 11, 2016
- Will the global energy transition be stalled, The Pioneer, February 26, 2016
- Smart environment with smart cities, The Pioneer, February 12, 2016
- Opportunities we must grab before it gets late, The Pioneer, January 29, 2016
- Sustained methods to tackle air pollution, The Pioneer, January 15, 2016
- Opportunity That Must Not Be Frittered Away, The Pioneer, January 1, 2016
- Sound beginning, but more must be done, Pioneer, December 18, 2015
- Farmer as backbone to a prosperous India, Pioneer, December 4, 2015
- Navigating a new path of development, The Pioneer, November 20, 2015
- Emission reduction as a way to save society, The Pioneer, November 6, 2015
- Not resource-intensive, but resource-efficient, The Pioneer, October 23, 2015
- Bringing innovation to the centre-stage, The Pioneer, October 9, 2015
- Of natural disasters and climate change, The Pioneer, September 25, 2015
- Close to touching the edge of a rainbow, The Pioneer, September 9, 2015
- India eyes new avenues in Iran, Sunday Guardian, August 2, 2015
- Old age is a demographic dividend, Sunday Guardian, April 19, 2015
- Climate change and agriculture in the Fifth Assessment Report, Agriculture for Development (Published by the Tropical Agriculture Association, Summer 2014
- Bring India’s entire energy sector under single regulator, Coal Insights, July 2014
- Mausam meinhaibariuthal-puthal, Kadambini, Monthly Publication, Hindustan Media Venture Limited Publication, Year 53, No.2, December 2012
- Let’s connect with nature’s marvels (The Speaking Tree), The Times of India, 17 July 2012
- Be the change you want to see in the world, The Pioneer, 29 June 2012
- Green expectations, The Indian Express, 19 June 2012
- Eliminate Petropoduct Subsidies, The Economic Times, 12 June 2012
- Managing Risks of Climate Disasters. The Economic Times, 16 April 2012
- Pay More in Your Own Interest. The Economic Times, 10 February 2012
- Be risktrictive. The Pioneer, 24 December 2011
- India’s growing challenges need to be addressed with a more enlightened approach. The Financial Express, 14 August 2011
- A Blueprint, And a Civil Society. Businessworld, 13 August 2011
- Warm up to nature. The Week. Mid-year special, 26 June 2011
- Climate proofing businesses is an imperative. The Financial Express, 5 June 2011
- Use the new opportunities. The Tribune, 9 January 2011
- Recession unnatural: Most alarming climate story of this decade: Melting Antarctic sheets & receding Arctic caps. The Pioneer, 26 December 2010
- Seek The Peace Dividend. The Times of India, 15 November 2010
- IPCC Shows Its Hand: The trump card over poverty, disease, and hunger is… climate change. The Global Journal. July & August 2010
- Under Asian skies. The Hindustan Times, 24 August 2010
- You and I can make Kyoto-2 work. Asian Age, 3 August 2010
- Calculated risk. The Asian Age, 20 July 2010
- 1° difference. The Asian Age, 8 June 2010
- Energy future remix. The Asian Age, 11 May 2010
- This Earth Day, salute the heroes. The Asian Age, 18 April 2010
- Gross national happiness. The Asian Age, 19 March 2010
- Science of climate risks. The Asian Age, 16 February 2010
- Friends across frontiers. The Times of India, 29 January 2010
- Gentle winds of change. The Asian Age, 19 January 2010
- Climate change has no time for delay or denial. The Guardian, 04 January 2010
- Debate: Dr R K Pachauri. Does India lack a research environment? Edited by Malini Sen, The Times of India, Higher Education: A guide to opportunities in India and Abroad, pp. 217, January 2009
- Welcome Back to the World: Letters to the new US President. Sierra Magazine, November/December 2008: 40 pp
- The Nobel Prize 2007: The voice of science and knowledge. Humania del Sur. Año 3, Nº 4. Enero-junio, 2008. María Gabriela Mata Carnevali. Dialogue with R. K. Pachacuri, pp. 175-178
- Profile: Dr Rajendra Pachauri. Engineering Change: Towards a sustainable future in the developing world. Edited by Peter Guthrie, CalestousJuma and HayaatunSillem. The Royal Academy of Engineering, pp.11-12, October 2008
- Dialogue: Dr R K Pachauri. Human del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiaticos. Universidad de Los Andes, pp. 175-178, June 2008
- The world’s will to tackle climate change is irresistible. The Guardian, 30 June 2008
- Towards rational pricing of oil. The Economic Times, 20 June 2006
- In cold sweat: the extremes in our weather may lead to serious climate changes in the long run. DNA Mumbai, 12 January 2006
- India empowered to me is: when national debt reduction also means reducing natural debt. The Financial Express, 20 October 2005
- We want our message to be powerful, positive and proactive. The Financial Express, 9 February 2002
- A green streak: reduce the natural debt burden. The Times of India, 8 February 2001
- Ethanol: A practical idea? The Economic Times, 25 December 2001
- Price of power. The Times of India, 26 November 2001
- The buses and bicycles option. The Newspaper Today, 23 August 2001
- Corporates and Civil Society. The Newspaper Today, 10 August 2001
- Transporting pollution. The Newspaper Today, 26 July 2001
- Reforesting India. The Newspaper Today, 28 June 2001
- S&T as drivers of economic growth, Business Line, 28 June 2001
- US isolation on climate change, The Newspaper Today, 14 June 2001
- Poverty in the developing world. Centennial News 86(4), Fall-Winter 2000/01
- Scrap the PPA with Dabhol? The Economic Times, 5 June 2001
- The Power of None. The Times of India, 29 May 2001
- Democracy and Environmental Policy. The Newspaper Today, 17 May 2001
- Start operating buses on ULSD, Auto Monitor 1 (10), 1-15 May 2001
- The Greening of Corporate India, The Newspaper Today, 4 May 2001
- Viewpoint of Dr R K Pachauri on Climate Change, Ford Motor Company's Corporate Citizenship Report "Building Relationships... and Setting the Course"
- On Track with Teheran: shift in India’s West Asia strategy, The Times of India, 19 April 2001
- CNG: the right choice? The Economic Times, 17 April 2001
- A hasty decision, clean diesel is a better bet. The Hindustan Times, 8 April 2001
- Beyond the budget: we must repay our natural debt. The Times of India, 7 March 2001
- Some important omissions made. The Times of India, 2 March 2001
- Reduce the natural debt too. The Economic Times, 16 February 2001
- Dabhol: a big mistake? The Economic Times, 9 January 2001
- Environmental degradation and damage: The neglected aspect of security. The Newspaper Today, 8 January 2001
- Height of Contention: A Dammed Model of Development, The Times of India, 11 November 2000
- Not a pipedream: back to Iran gas pipeline option, The Times of India, 17 August 2000
- The drought dilemma: planning for the rainless day, The Times of India, 16 May 2000
- Against the tide: do not foreclose big dam options. The Times of India, 10 April 2000
- Why waste the wastes? The Indian Express, 5 April 2000
- Managing transition vital. The Financial Times, 29 February 2000
- Remove poverty beforetackling environmental problems". The Indian Express, 24 February 2000
- Greening of business, Chartered Financial Analyst 5(5), January 2000
- In the time of trusteeship, Business Today, 7 January 2000
- Towards a longer term vision, The Economic Times, 30 December 1999
- Futureshock, The Sunday Observer, 24 October 1999
- Time to focus on the environmental agenda, The Economic Times, 5 October 1999
- Indonesia revisited: gains from reviving historic ties, The Times of India, 24 November 1999
- Sustainable development and rural imperatives, The Economic Times, 31 August 1999
- Corporations are becoming green because the public places a premimum on their doing so", The Financial Express, 1 August 1999
- Sanity in managing natural resources, The Economic Times, 29 July 1999
- Good environmental practices can be profitable'. The Financial Express, 27 June 1999
- The heat is on: burning impact of climate change. The Times of India, 1 June 1999
- The Nitish Sengupta report is ill conceived'. The Economic Times, 26 April 1999
- Earth Day 1999: Preserving our environmental inheritance. The Times of India, 23 April 1999
- Planning with Vision: Forging Partnerships with Think-tanks. The Times of India, 15 March 1999
- A golden opportunity for privatization has been missed. The Indian Express, 1 February 1999
- Need for Integrated Policy. The Observer, 31 January 1999
- Car emission norms not a solution. The Hindustan Times, 31 January 1999
- Investing in environment, The Indian Express, 25 January 1999
- O, to live in a village! The Hindustan Times, 17 January 1999
- Clean Consciousness: The Green Agenda for Growth, The Times of India, 2 September 1998
- Regulate honestly, The Indian Express, 9 November 1998
- Energy Efficiency: Policing India's Oil Supply Routes, The Times of India, 27 June 1998
- Budgets must promote sustainable development, The Indian Express, 15 June 1998
- Energizing Power Sector: Light at the end of the tunnel, The Times of India, 1 May 1998
- Corporate Responsibility and Social Consciousness, The Indian Express, 28 November 1998
- Seek partners for post-Kyoto trip, The Indian Express, 19 December 1997
- Clearing the Air: Climate Change Hits Rough Weather, The Times of India, May 9, 1997
- Dithering in the Dark: Power Play in the Power Sector, The Times of India, January 27, 1997
- Developing investment, Global Energy, World Energy Council, First Magazine, London, 1996
- Oil prices and energy security, The Hindustan Times, December 31, 1996
- Promoting energy efficiency in developing countries, United Nations Climate Change Bulletin, Issue 12, 3rd Quarter, 1996
- Protecting India's environment, The Times of India, February 5, 1996
- No details of cost reduction in ENRON deal, The Hindu, February 5, 1996
- Economic cost of eco-damage, The Economic Times, December 14, 1995
- Major shifts in energy consumption in the future, The Observer of Business and Politics, November 6, 1995
- Science, a villain-turned-hero, The Economic Times, November 6, 1995
- Arms for Pakistan: US Oil Politics and Central Asia, The Times of India, November 3, 1995
- Recovering from GDP syndrome, The Economic Times, October 26, 1995
- The ‘road’ to a better life, The Economic Times, September 9, 1995
- Dabhol power project: Awaiting a return to reason", The Times of India, September 12, 1995
- Beyond agenda 21, The Economic Times, September 9, 1995
- A widening chasm, The Economic Times, August 17, 1995
- Beyond the ENRON deal: Sending out wrong signals, The Times of India, May 13, 1995
- Green laws sans infrastructure are useless, The Economic Times, May 30, 1995
- Energy decision-making and environmental effects, Financial Express, March 7, 1995
- No longer just curiosities, Financial Express, February 25, 1995
- Missing the woods for the trees, The Economic Times, January 31, 1994
- Reforms elude power, centre page, The Hindustan Times, December 30, 1993
- Enron project: Who's playing ostrich?, The Economic Times, November 27, 1993
- Technology and prices: Crucial parameters, The Economic Times, July 1, 1993
- Beyond Rio, The Hindustan Times, June 24, 1992
- Energising Indian Economy, centre page, The Hindustan Times, September 11, 1991
- Global Warming: A Look at Reality, centre page, The Times of India, 29 May, 1991
- Energy Sector reflects distorted policies, The Observer of Business and Politics, February 19, 1991
- Petroleum Challenge: India's Options and Responses, Business and Political Observer, January 2, 1991
- How China copes with pollution, centre page, The Hindustan Times on December 27 & 28, 1990
- Workable Energy Policy, centre page, The Hindustan Times on November 14, 1990
- Energy Scenario: Global vis-a-vis National, Financial Express, October 10, 1990
- The Sin of Cynicism, centre page, The Hindustan Times on July 13, 1990
- Environment: Lopsided Priorities, centre page, The Hindustan Times on June 5, 1990
- Planet Fund: Polluter Must Pay, The Hindustan Times on October 16, 1989
- Ozone Depletion: Soft Options Won't Do, The Hindustan Times on June 22, 1989.
- Oil Politics in Gulf, The Hindustan Times, July 6, 1988.Emerging Edifice of India, The Hindustan Times, March 30, 1988
- Over-use and Abuse of Resources", centre page, The Times of India, October 10, 1987
- Pakistan's Bomb: Need to Shift Oil Imports, The Hindustan Times, May 9, 1987
- Bottom upwards approach to Indian Energy Problem, The Times of India, New Delhi, June 1986
(Source: Dr. R.K. Pachauri’s CV)
- “Maurice Strong – This was a Man”. Legacy for the future and future generations: Remembering Maurice F. Strong – Tributes and Reminiscences (Editors: Federico Mayor / NegoslavOstojic / Roberto Savio). European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD). 2018. 162-165 pp
- Write-up for the book by Megha Aggarwal “The Green Guide”. 65-67 pp
- A Pioneer’s Thinking around Growth Fundamentals: A Tribute to Vijay Kelkar (R K Pachauri and ShaillyKedia), The Political Economy of Energy and Growth (edited by Najeeb Jung). Oxford University Press 2014. 19-38 pp
- Low-Carbon Green Growth in Asia: Policies and practices (A joint study of the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank Institute), 2013 - Provided technical advice and comments at various stages of the study as Chairman of the high-level advisory committee
- India’s Youth and the Challenge of Sustainable Development. R Venkataraman : A Centenary Tribute. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2012. 172-178 pp
- Business unusual: championing corporate social responsibility, Volume 2. R K Pachauri (ed.), The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, 2007
- Petroleum Pricing in India: balancing efficiency and equity. Neha Misra, Ruchika Chawla, Leena Srivastava and R K Pachauri, The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, 2005
- Business Unusual: championing corporate social responsibility, Volume 1. R K Pachauri (ed.), The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, 2004
- Directions, Innovations, and Strategies for Harnessing Action for sustainable development. R K Pachauri and R K Batra (eds.), Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 2001
- Energy in the Indian Sub-Continent, R K Pachauri and Gurneeta Vasudhaiva. The Petroleum Economist Ltd, London, 2000
- Looking Back to Think Ahead: GREEN India 2047 (Growth with Resource Enhancement of Environment and Nature), R K Pachauri and P V Sridharan (eds.), Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1998
- Population, Environment, and Development, R K Pachauri and Lubina F Qureshy (eds.), Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1997
- Global Partnerships for Sustainable Development, R K Pachauri and Leena Srivastava (eds.), Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1994
- in Asia & Brazil: The Role of Technology Transfer, R K Pachauri and Climate Change Preety Bhandari (eds.), Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1994
- Global Warming: Collaborative Study on Strategies to Limit CO2 emissions in Asia and Brazil, R K Pachauri and Preety Bhandari (eds.), Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 1992
- Contemporary India, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1992
- Global Warming: Mitigation Strategies and Perspectives from Asia and Brazil, R K Pachauri and AbhilashaBehl (eds.), Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 1991.
- Role of Innovative Technologies and Approaches for India's Power Sector, Leena Srivastava and R K Pachauri (eds.), Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 1991
- Energy-Environment-Development, R K Pachauri, Leena Srivastava & Kapil Thukral (eds.), Vikas Publishers, New Delhi, 1991
- Global Warming and Climate Change: Perspectives from Developing Countries, Sujata Gupta & R K Pachauri (eds.), Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1990
- Energy Policy Issues: Household Energy, Vol. 4, R K Pachauri and Leena Srivastava (eds.), Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1989
- Energy Policy Issues: Higher Energy Efficiency, Vol. 3, R K Pachauri and G Sambasivan (eds.) Wiley Eastern Limited, India, 1987
- Global Energy Interactions, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1986
- Energy Policy Issues, Vol. 2, R K Pachauri and Leena Srivastava (eds.), Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 198
- Energy Policy Issues, Vol. 1, R K Pachauri and Kapil Thukral (eds.), Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1985
- The Political Economy of Global Energy, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1985
- National Energy Data Systems, D R Ahuja, R K Pachauri and N K Gopalakrishnan (eds.), Concept Publishers, New Delhi, 1984
- International Energy Studies, Wiley-Eastern, New Delhi and John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1980
- Energy Policy for India: An Inter-disciplinary Analysis, Macmillan Company of India, New Delhi, 1980
- Energy and Economic Development in India, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1977
- The Dynamics of Electrical Energy Supply and Demand: An Economic Analysis, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1975
(Source: Dr. R.K. Pachauri’s CV)